Documents Required to be Provided to the Trustee 7 days prior to the

341 Meeting of Creditors

THE FOLLOWING DOCMENTS MUST BE UPLOADED VIA BLUE STYLUS:  (Remember to use the same email account with which you filed your case with the Court) further information regarding Blue Sytlus is found below.

Pro Se debtors please upload to Blue Stylus by the Trustee's invitation or by mail the required documents to: Trustee, 525 E. Colfax Ave., Unit #101, South Bend, IN 46617.

Please remember to have all documents to the trustee 7 days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If documents are not received in a timely manner, the Trustee may continue your case and file a motion to extend your discharge date. Any documents not provided at least one day prior to the 341 meeting electronically must be emailed to [email protected].  

PLEASE NAME THE DOCUMENTS IN ACCORDANCE TO WHAT IS ATTACHED. For your convenience, the Blue Stylus category is included in bold if not obvious

  • COMPLETE copies of most recently filed federal and state tax returns  (not just cover sheets) if debtor doesn't file please select "no documents notation" -  in the Forms tab of this website
  • Bank Statements (90 days prior to and including filing date), including venmo, paypal and all cash apps.  If it is an account on the pay stub we want the statement for that account - or the form "no documents notation" -  in the Forms tab of this website
  • Excel calculation sheets if balances are not on statements, to be uploaded in addition to the bank documentation; Date of filing calculation 
  • 60 days prior to filing pay stubs - if there is a garnishment - 90 days.
    • If a garnishment is listed on the pay stubs - COPY OF GARNISHMENT ORDER
    • if debtor is unemployed please select the "no documents notation" -  in the Forms tab of this website.
  • Debtor Identification and Social Security Information - in pdf format.  Our printer will not print images.
  • If their is a court ordered domestic support obligation, DSO information must be provided on Sch D and include full address if known.  If not known, please indicate the county issuing the order.


Blue Stylus/Trustee Collaborative (Pro Se debtors will receive an invitation and have 7 days to comply)

Instructions for Attorneys creating a NEW free BlueStylus account to upload documents to the Trustee:

*Note that you do not need a new free account if you already have one for another Trustee utilizing TrusteSolutions.  Your free account will work for all the trustees using TrusteSolutions Blue Stylus/Trustee Collaborative.

1.            Go to:

2.            Click “Don’t have an account? Click here.”

3.           Choose the first option “Collaborative FREE” under “Sign up.”  (You do not need an invitation code.)

4.            Complete the form.

                    Please note: You must use the same email address that you use for Pacer ECF emails as a Debtor’s Attorney.

                            (Hint: Passwords need to be at least 8 characters, have at least one letter, one number, and one symbol.)

5.            Check the “I agree to the Terms of Service.”

6.            Click “Create Account.”


  • Once logged in, click on "Documents" on the menu on the left
  • Double click to select Rebecca H. Fischer (there may be multiple trustee offices in your area using TrusteSolutions)
  • You will then see the assigned cases available for uploading documents.  Double click on the line (case number/name).
  • Within a case file, you will see the "Document Checklist" and be able to upload documents for each item listed.
  • The red asterisk indicates the item is required.
  • You may indicate that an item is not applicable by using the buttons on the left.  Changing the button to "No" opens a dialog box where you can provide an explanation.
  • The Print icon allows you to obtain a hardcopy list of the documents you have uploaded with the date and time of upload.
  • The Tool Bar upload link also allows for the selection or drag/drop of multiple documents.  The listed documents can be linked to the applicable Checklist Document from a drop-down menu and then uploaded at the same time.  After all of the documents to be uploaded have been added, click on "Start Upload".  Upload means the document is being placed directly into the document file of the identified case.  No further action is required.  Once uploaded, the documents are immediately available to the Trustee


Instructions to reset your BlueStylus password:

1.            Go to:

2.            Click on “Reset your password”.

3.            Complete the form.

4.            Click “Submit”.

5.            Verification email should arrive immediately.  If you don’t see it in your “In” box, please check junk folder.

6.            The password will be a long, complicated password.  It is best to copy and paste it.

7.            Return to:

8.            Enter your email, and paste the password.Collaborative for Debtor Attorney - update 11-15-2019.pdf

9.            Once you are logged in, click on “Settings”, then “Change Password”.

Attached is a step-by-step document providing screen shots of the different windows in Blue Stylus. (SEE ATTACHMENT AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE.)