Zoom video meeting: Go to,https://zoom.us/join EnterMeeting ID:, 522 842 1312 and Passcode: 6390982995.  Creditors may call in at 574-319-1839

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    Laderer & Fischer P.C.


This website is designed to assist attorneys, debtors, and creditors involved in Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases assigned to bankruptcy trustee Rebecca H. Fischer.  This site provides information regarding the 341 meeting of creditors and links to helpful sites.  PLEASE ADDRESS ALL INFORMATION PRE-341 QUESTIONS TO [email protected] (unless advised otherwise) AND ALL POST 341 QUESTIONS TO [email protected]

If you are experiencing problems with BlueStylus and uploading documents to the trustee, you may contact TrusteSolutions directly at 866-878-7831, ext. 1 (help desk).  If you are experiencing problems with this website or the links herein, please contact our office at 574-284-2354.

Our office cannot provide legal advice to you, or any advice that could be construed as legal advice, whether or not you have an attorney.

Our office requires appointments, no walk-ins are accepted and the door will not be answered.

Please consult with an attorney if you have a question that may be of a legal nature.

To Report suspected bankruptcy fraud please consult:
