AT LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE 341 HEARING the trustee must receive:

1) theDecl of required documents.pdf (REMEMBER TO SIGN IT);

2) a copy of each financial account statement(s) (i.e. checking and/or savings account statement, retirement account, paypal accounts, debit card accounts, etc.)  which includes the date you filed your bankruptcy petition;

3) a copy of your most recently filed tax returns (all pages, schedules and attachments) both federal and state (if you've had to file a state tax return);

4) a copy of pay advices for each debtor for the 60 days prior to filing (for example: if you filed on May 6, you would need to provide the pay advices for the time period of March 6 through May 6, 2016).

see below for more information.......


The documents are to be delivered by email, mail, or fax:

    Email to: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] (in one PDF file)
      in the reference line on the email include the case # and last name of the debtor
    • attach all documents in ONE pdf file (remember all pages are to be readable without having to rotate the pages)
  • or
  • Fax to: 206-224-4895


  • Mail to: Edmund Wood, Wood & Jones PS, 303 N. 67th Street, Seattle WA 98103-5209


What if I am not employed?

    If you are receiving any kind of unemployment payments or public assistance, you will have received an award letter telling you what your benefit is...include a copy of that instead.
  • If you do not receive ANY assistance, or unemployment, etc. - then write that on the declaration that you send to the trustee

What if I don't have a bank account?

  • Then write that on the declaration that you send to the trustee that you have no accounts.

What if I have more than one account? or retirement accounts?

  • You are to provide copies of statements for all accounts including retirement accounts, KEOGH, 401k, 403(b), etc.

What if I have all of the documents except one thing...?

  • Send copies of all the documents you DO can send the rest later.

What if I don't have a copy of my tax returns?

  • The trustee will accept a copy of the official transcript. You can order it from the IRS by filling out form 4506-T or requesting it by phone (1-800-829-1040).

What if I haven't been required to file tax returns?

  • Attach a copy of the MOST RECENTLY filed return and note on the declaration that you haven't been required to file since _____ (insert the year in this blank).


Items to bring to the first meeting of creditors (Section 341 hearing):

A copy of the petition and schedules that you filed with the court

A copy of the documents that you sent to the trustee (declaration, bank statements, tax returns, and pay advices)

Your photo identification (you'll also need this to get into the courthouse)

Proof of your social security number