AT LEAST 7 DAYS BEFORE THE 341 HEARING you must provide to the trustee:

1) the debtor(s) Decl of required documents.pdf with the following documents attached:

2) a copy of each financial account statement(s) (i.e. bank statement, retirement account, paypal, savings account, checking account, etc.) that includes the date of filing;

3) a copy of the debtor(s)' most recently filed tax returns (all pages, schedules and attachments) both federal and state (if there was a requirement for a state tax return);

4) a copy of 60 days of pay advices for each debtor

see below for more information.......


The documents are to be delivered by uploading to the trustee's website, email, mail, or fax:

    uploading to Trustee's website - (this option not available for pro se/self filing debtors):
      the first time you have a case assigned to Mr. Wood, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up an account for uploading documents. This account will also work for the other trustees who use the same software provider. After that, you will receive an email reminding you to upload documents 1 week prior to the 341 hearing and will advise you as to which documents have not been uploaded at that time.  This is the preferred method of providing documents as it is more secure than any other method.
    • the link to log into TrusteSolutions can be found here


    Email to: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] (in one PDF file)
      in the reference line on the email include the case # and last name of the debtor
    • attach all documents in ONE pdf file (remember all pages are to be readable without having to rotate the pages)


        Fax  to:  206-224-4895


  • Mail to: Edmund Wood, Wood & Jones PS, 303 N. 67th Street, Seattle WA 98103-5209

Keep in mind that if the documents are received after the deadline, the debtor(s)' case may be continued for a later calendar date.