All creditor meetings will be conducted by Zoom.  See instructions in this website.  In rare circumstances, the meeting may be held by telephone upon showing of extraordinary circumstances.   The call-in number is (877) 489-9232.  The participant code is 9122944#.  For mobile phones, use (517) 345-0329 (land line preferred). 

Telephonic protocols follow:

a. Use a landline, instead of a cell phone, if possible, and do not use a speaker phone.

b. Immediately place phones on mute, listen for the case to be called, and when the case is called, unmute the phone and identify yourselves.

c. Participate on the call from a quiet area, if possible, where there is as little background noise as possible.

d. Do not put the phone on hold at any time after the call is connected. AGAIN, DO NOT PUT THE PHONE ON HOLD WHICH CAN ACTIVATE DISRUPTIVE BACKGROUND MUSIC.

e. If any party is attending the meeting from the same location as another party, use separate touch-tone phones to participate.

f. Once the case meeting is finished, hang up.

g. If anyone is disconnected before the meeting is finished, they should call back.

All telephonic meetings will be recorded by the Trustee.  

Interpreters will be available on the telephonic meetings under the Limited English Proficiency Program.

Please provide advance notice to me by email should you require an interpreter in a case.  

The touch tone commands available to you are:

*0    Operator Assistance

*1 Private Help menu

*3 Private roll call

*6 Self Mute/Unmute