All Debtors are required to produce the following documents seven (7) days prior to the 341 Meeting of Creditors:

  1. Copy of driver’s license(s)/ State ID;
  2. Copy of social security card(s);
  3. Income Tax Returns (including all W2’s and schedules) for the past two (2) years, including present year;
  4. Unredacted page from tax return showing routing and account numbers where refund was directly deposited; 
  5. Pay stubs (or social security/disability income) and any other proof of income for the past three (3) months preceding the commencement of the bankruptcy petition;
  6. Copies of all financial account statements and cancelled checks on all accounts in your name for the past three (3) months preceding the commencement of the bankruptcy petition (must include the statement that reflects the balance on day of filing);
  7. A copy of the title or vehicle registration for any vehicle(s) listed in your name;
  8. The declaration page to any life insurance policies listed in your name;
  9. Most recent retirement account (401k), 403(b), IRS, Pensions, etc.) statements;
  10. Recorded Mortgage(s) (you can obtain these from the county register of deeds office);
  11. Recorded Mortgage Note sign and dated;
  12. Recorded Deed(s) (you can obtain these from the county register of deeds office);
  13. Real property tax bill statements for present year (showing State Equalized Value); and
  14. Proof of homeowner’s insurance.

The Trustee requires that the documents listed above be uploaded through BlueStylus unless you are not represented by an attorney. Click the hyperlink https://apps.bluestylus.com to create an account and follow the instructions. It is important that you select the proper category for the documents you are uploading so that your case will reflect that you have complied. Please make sure to use the email address that is associated with your CM/ECF login used to file your bankruptcy cases. If you have trouble registering or uploading the documents required, please contact BlueStylus directly at (866) 878-7831, option#1.

If you are a Debtor who is not represented by an attorney, you can submit the required documents via encrypted email to [email protected], or by requesting a DirectShare link from our office. Please include your case name and number in the subject line.

If these documents are not produced seven (7) days prior to the meeting, your meeting will not be held but continued to another day.

Please note that failure to comply with providing the required documents may result in your case being continued or dismissed.