Asset Snap by TrusteSolutions

Asset Snap is a mobile app which allows case professionals, debtors and trustees to quickly upload photos of assets or other case-related documents directly into the case’s document management system. Asset Snap’s easy-to-use interface and simple design makes it a powerful tool for trustees and their case administrators gather documents quickly and eliminates the need to deal with other delivery mechanisms such as email.

To use Asset Snap, locate it in the Google Play store or in the Apple App Store. Once installed, you will access the app by inputting the case number (with a judge code, if your TrusteSolutions system has a judge code for the case) and the phone number of the professional using the app.

After logging in, you will see default asset type categories to select from. Select the asset type category you wish to work with first. Next, a list of asset categories will appear which represent different aspects of assets. Within each category appears a small picture of a camera. Clicking the camera icon will allow you to use the device to take a picture and associate it with the asset in that category.

Once you are finished taking pictures, you can make edits to or remove the pictures. You can also make notes which will appear in the description of the image after it is uploaded. Once you are finished with all edits, upload the photos. You can find the results of the upload in the case’s Document Manager.