Documentation must be provided in advance of the First Meeting of Creditors for review and analysis by the trustee.   Do not email the documens.   The followoing docuents are required  and must be uploaded via Bluestylus :

1.    Paystubs for the two periods immediately before and after your bankruptcy filing date;

2.    Most recent state and federal tax returns with W-2 statements.  these must be complete including all schedules without redaction for account information.; 

3.    Full bank/credit union statements that cover the month before through two weeks after your bankruptcy filing date. The bankruptcy filing date appears in bold print on your meeting notice. A printout showing only the date of filing balance is insufficient. Ex: If your filing date is 11/1/24, then bring statements verifying 10/1/24-11/15/24;

4.    If you have any judgments in your favor or are in the midst of legal proceeding seeking damages or other recovery for yourself, provide copies of pleadings and correspondence;

5.    If you have set up or benefit from a trust, provide a copy of the trust agreement;

6.    The latest real property tax statement, with the real property value, for any land you have an interest in;

7.    The latest mortgage statements from all lien holders for all real property and/or any land you have an interest in;

8.    The registration for any vehicle for which you are named an owner, and recent loan statement showing the remaining balance;

9.    If someone has passed away and you may be an heir, be prepared to discuss the matter. Even entitlements or other property rights resulting from someone’s death within 180 days after filing your bankruptcy case are estate assets and must be reported to me;

10.    Divorce Judgments entered in the past five years; and

11.    Photo ID (government photo ID such as current drivers license, passport or other official government issued ID)

12.    Proof of your social security number.  (social security card, 1099,  SSA 1099, w-2)  

Documents required under Sec. 521(e)(2)(a) must be be provided AS FOLLOWS ONLY: 

Please submit documents in support of the 341 meeting of creditors via Trustee Collaborative  (provided by TrusteSolutions)

Instructions for using Trustee Collaborative are available from the links provided below. 

For help using Trustee Collaborative, please contact TrusteSolutions support: 

(866) 878-7831 hit 0 for support or email: [email protected]

When using Trustee Collaborative, please submit at least two files, one file with tax returns and all pay information, and the second file with all other information (mortgages, vehicle titles, etc.).  Please use descriptive titles for the file names (such as "pay & tax" or "all other evidence" or "asset docs" rather than "File 1").  Please note that the upload categories are for your use only--our office does not see the categories, only the file name.  

An email will be sent to the email address that the debtor's attorney uses for ECF filing: 

You are being invited by Trustee Russ Garrett to participate in Trustee Collaborative, a document sharing system that will allow you to upload required 341 documentation to your case trustee’s document management system.

Attached are some simple instructions to get you started. You will receive periodic notifications of new case assignments.

1.    Click the following hyperlink to create an account ( 

When signing up, please be sure to use the email address the case was filed with.  Retain the username and password you create to access your account in the future.

2.    After you have registered, the next time you logon please use this link (you may want to save it as a favorite):  If you want notifications to be sent to a different email address than the one you signed up with, click on Settings and add an email to Notification Email.

 3.    Instructions for uploading documents: Login, click on the Trustee Name, and then click on the case number that you want to upload documents for.  We currently have two options for uploading documents, the one I’m about to explain is the preferable option because it has a larger file size upload capacity.  Click on “Upload Documents” at the top left above the first checklist item.  You will click on Add Item and browse for the document and you can add several more documents.  Then choose the checklist item to link the document(s) to in the drop down.  Then click Start Upload. The trustee will automatically see these documents after you upload them and see them in the below checklist item.

FOR ASSISTANCE PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE TRUSTEE.  INSTEAD GO TO: Home&app=Collaborative&settingstab=Change Password

NOTE RE: TAX RETURNS - please redact all social security numbers and/or bank account information as the Trustee is not responsible for social security numbers and/or bank account information found on his electronic files. 

ATTORNEYS: Please have copies of the petition, schedules, statement of financial affairs and tax returns available at the meeting to verify signatures and in the event that the documents sent are illegible or not received.